Read some of the testimonies from former clients and hear what they have to say in their own words about what they achieved as a result of coaching, what it was like being coached by Nancy, and the professional and personal value they continue to experience…

Career Renewal Clients

"Nancy offers a coaching presence that immediately invited me into a trusted and credible space.  I have benefited over the years from great mentors in a corporate environment; however, my work with Nancy allowed me to unpack my career and personal aspirations in a thoughtful and specific way.   The creative but focused rhythm of our work unlocked new insights about what I offer as a leader and how to bring together disparate concepts into a cohesive, clear story.  As an aspiring coach myself, Nancy set a great example of how personal style and core methodology can meld to create an authentic and productive experience for clients.  I would recommend her as an ideal coach for anyone looking to gain clarity about their career aspirations or to define and put action behind what a fulfilling life contribution looks like."

  Director within HR, Redmond, WA

"I contacted Nancy at a midpoint in my career, ok yes, midlife semi-crisis. Although I was happy in my current job, I felt there was something missing. After just a few sessions, she was able to tailor her coaching to specific to my current situation. Nancy created an environment of trust and non-judgmental compassion that allowed me to explore. It was enlightening to discover the things in my personality that contributed to my success at work and relationships and the things that actually sabotaged me. My sessions gave me the opportunity to step back, recalibrate, and apply techniques, like daily journaling and relaxation, that are already having a measurable impact in my interactions both at work and outside of work. I am much less anxious, and more able to remain calm in high-stress situations. I have highly recommended Nancy to my friends and co-workers and will continue periodic sessions with her to keep myself on track."

Senior IT Systems Engineer, Redmond, WA

 Career Realignment Clients 

"Relative to the amount of time we all spend working, we often don’t spend enough time thinking about the type of work that we want to do. I know I was always too busy! We are then often surprised when we wake up each morning feeling unfulfilled. I knew I was very unhappy in my work, but I was at a loss as to what to change and how. Nancy was the perfect person to help me distill the elements of my work that invigorated me from those that sapped my energy. With her guidance and support I was able to gain a deeper understanding of all of the elements that made up my career to date; she then helped me paint the picture of how I wanted to move forward  – the work I wanted to do and the life I wanted to live.  This process takes true honesty. Nancy provides the perfect safe environment to allow you to be candid with yourself about your hopes, dreams and fears; her compassion and encouragement are your safety net. I feel so very lucky that our paths crossed when they did and I am very grateful that she continues to be part of my journey, she has made such a huge difference to my world."

Project Management Consultant, Seattle, WA

“In the beginning of the career coaching engagement I was aware of one fundamental thing. I knew that I required a change in jobs and, of course, wanted to improve my current financial position and perhaps take a step up the ladder. I was naïve. Not simply naïve to what sort of job I could or should find, but naïve to what my own core values and desires were and their importance to my ability to succeed in the corporate world and in life in general. Nancy helped me to not only better understand those core values, but also helped me to define and articulate what my life goals are. Once identified, it was time to relate life goals to a potential career path(s) that might lead to what most of us are looking for; happiness and success. It’s a process and requires some deep thought, but I found that Nancy was very adept at helping me navigate through the various aspects of self-discovery and then pressing on for results when it comes to identifying what will come next. Nancy helped me to find my “voice” and I was able to articulate my vision of my career, what value I could bring to the company in a newly created role. I then moved from a technical mid-tier management position approximately five years ago to business development which included international sales calls and conference speaking engagements; something on the list of “life goals” and better aligned with what I am passionate about. A good career and life coach remains with you over the years and is a resource you can periodically check with to assist with your career decisions. Nancy is a ‘great’ career and life coach, taking a genuine interest and putting forth great effort to understand and support as your environment changes or you decide to change it.  The following is a recap of my positions over the past five years since our first coaching sessions: Business Development Manager, VP Business Development & Professional Services, returned to school to earn a law degree in 2011, CEO Ports for a Turkish Conglomerate over an existing port and the port development in Turkey.  The ROI is self-explanatory based upon my own experience and more importantly, Nancy was able to help me initiate the changes and attain a new sense of control over my career and life.”

CEO Ports for an International Conglomerate

“If you are a mid-life professional woman exploring career directions, look no further than Nancy McCaughey. I interviewed many Hudson-trained coaches and selected Nancy because she has the training and background perfectly suited to my coaching issues. She is always well prepared and stays true to the coaching modality in working with professional women on career issues. I had nothing short of a transformational experience in my time working with Nancy.”

Marketing Consultant & Coach, Seattle, WA  

"So, I quit my job after thirty years in the same profession, education. I wasn’t fired; in fact, I was pretty much begged to stay in my most recent role of junior high principal. My evaluations were high, but my passion for the work had waned. So I quit with no new work in sight. I guess I believed some new assignment would come along as it had for the past thirty years.  Almost a year past and nothing major came along. I held several different part time and consulting roles but there was nothing to neither grab my attention nor keep me focused. That’s when I met Nancy and an incredible journey began. Nancy helped me take an honest look at myself - my gifts and my abilities. The dialogue we shared over six months challenged me deeply and provided the courage to wait for that next vocational step that fit my temperament and pass up those opportunities that weren’t quite right for me. I owe her a great debt as I’m now in a new job that energizes and challenges me to do my best work."

Private School Administrator of Online Curriculum, Bellevue, WA

 Career Reinvention Clients 

"From my very first meeting with Nancy I was struck by her empathetic listening and holistic approach and process to the challenges I was experiencing with stepping into my midlife maelstrom. She has been an incredibly helpful guide providing me with a farsighted overview of the terrain and process that I would need to go through to heal, evaluate, investigate and redefine my career and life. Along the way her compassionate listening, questioning and guidance has helped me stay true to the core challenges and rewards on my path of discovery. I only wish our paths had crossed ten years sooner."

Project Manager and Interactive Software Designer, Bainbridge Island, WA

"The joy from a 20-year career had faded. I lost my perspective on my strengths and what I really wanted out of my career. I had never thought about career coaching and, as an introvert, that didn't sound like the most comfortable thing to pursue. However, after only one conversation I knew that Nancy was a great fit for me. She understood exactly what I was feeling and thinking, she reinvigorated my confidence and helped me to clearly articulate my strengths and define my passion. She truly advocated for me and helped me to see success. Nancy customized the coaching exercises and dialogue to fit my needs and personality type. I learned so much about myself and couldn’t believe that with each session things become more and more clear. Her customization of the coaching exercises and dialogue fit my specific needs and personality type to where I was able to draw out my interests and focus on what mattered the most.   As a result of my work with Nancy, I am more confident and more driven to engage in a career that fulfills my passion."

Planning Director, Kirkland, WA

"I came to Nancy at a difficult and frustrating time in my life. I had started my own business a few years earlier and knew it wasn't meeting my needs. I could tell I needed to make some decisions, but wasn't confident that I'd hold myself accountable to actually move ahead. Working with Nancy has been great. She provided the structure and independent perspective I needed to really tackle some of the obstacles I had to charting a new course for my career. She also hung in there with me when I was convinced I was making some mistakes, or had gone down the wrong path. The good news is that over the course of a year I've made some of the most significant career changes and investment decisions I've ever made. I feel like I know myself a lot better - and regardless of what happens next, I'm confident there's plenty of good times ahead. Today, I feel like I'm engaged and motivated like I haven't been for years. I highly recommend Nancy's patience, insight and wise counsel."

Senior Project Manager, Redmond, WA

“To thine own self be true.” These are words that might convey the path that we worked on while Nancy was my coach. The process of reconnecting with my authentic self was really the focus of our work. Nancy was, throughout our work, both a great friend and a very skilled coach. Most often I felt that she would help me stay on track in my search, honest with myself, and not “get away with” pat answers. Our work together helped me through a very difficult time in midlife, and although much work is left, I am committed to stay the course we set. I would encourage any of my closest friends to work with Nancy. She’s terrific!”

Strategic Account Manager, West Linn, OR 

“You were more than a career coach. You helped birth my dream into reality. You used your insight, compassion and enthusiasm to guide, stimulate my creativity, clarify my purpose, and stay focused. You provided a safe place to wonder and discover what steps to take. I had three outcomes when we started and I got all three!”

Entrepreneur, Portland, OR

"I am a firm believer that people meet and cross paths in life for purposes we are often unaware of, or don’t understand. It was my good fortune that you came into my life first as a customer and then as a coach. What I thought you would be helping me with, finding the right business track, has turned into a much more profound and deep experience for me than simply finding the right job! I have been amazed and enlightened by your gentle, yet focused ability to help me see my own self-inflicted roadblocks. I am truly a different person than I was when we started. My sense of all of this is that through your thought-provoking questions and challenged, you are guiding me to find my life’s purpose much faster than I have done or could do on my own. I am delighted and grateful!"

Retail Business Owner, Portland, OR

“When I think of all the ways you have helped me over these past months, I am almost (but not quite!) at a loss for words. You are one of the best listeners I have known. Your questions were always responsive to the tangled ball of knots that I was currently trying to untangle. You heard and responded when I needed to slow down, and at the same time, knew when to gently prod me out of my denial and self-limiting beliefs. Because of your help, I feel open to the dream. Trust what you do, you have a gift and the world needs that gift (I believe that is something you told me, so I send it back to you.)”

Therapist and Professional Organizer, Seattle, WA