We offer three levels of career and transition coaching engagements: 


We are located in Seattle's Downtown Waterfront area.  

Call us at 206.914.8606 or  

Email us if you want to know more or to schedule an appointment.






Nancy McCaughey Coaching offers a selection of confidential, transformational, and highly customized coaching engagements that are designed to help midlife professionals who are ready to renew, realign or reinvent their career.  We guide, empower and encourage seasoned professionals to experience more satisfaction and success in their current career or discover and launch a new career chapter that uses their unique gifts, is aligned with their passions, and provides more personal meaning and fulfillment.  

Answering "The Career Question"

When clients work with us, it is always about more than finding a new job. The goal is figuring out what they really want to do next, or what would make their present career more satisfying and meaningful.  From years of coaching seasoned professionals in midlife, we understand the questions you are asking yourself and struggling to answer.  We call it, “The Career Question."   It often occurs around midlife when you are asking yourself fundamentally different and deeper questions than you've asked at prior times in your life and career.  And, at this pivitol transition point, your decisions have wider implications for your personal well-being, relationships and financial future. It is a very personal time, and perhaps even has a spiritual dimension to it.  A time when you want to figure out what your life is about, why you're here, what you're really meant to do and what living authentically at this stage of your life means to you.  

As you look toward the second half of your life and career, you have a more acute sense of time and how your priorities are changing. What gives you a true feeling of satisfaction and sense of balance, seems to be different at this stage. You want to do something different, have more control of your time, use your most valued talents, and have more meaning and impact from what you do.  

We help you explore and discover answers to the unique questions you might be asking yourself:  

  • What is my North Star?  What values guide my decisions?  What are "my fundamentals?"
  • What work will be mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually satisfying to me? 
  • What inspires my passions and creativity?
  • What are my greatest gifts and talents, and what are my blindspots or limitations?
  • What roles and priorities are most important to me at this stage of life?
  • What gives me meaning and feels important enough that I want to invest my energy and time into it?
  • What impact do I want to have, or legacy do I want to leave? 
  • What do I do best, enjoy most and find energizing? What drains me?
  • What are my blindspots?  
  • What "shoulds" are driving me and which ones might it be time to release? 
  • What would I love to learn more about, or do with more mastery?
  • If I couldn’t fail, what would I do?

We don't stop there.  We help you to create a vision and plan for your future that expresses your purpose, aligns with your talents and passions, and includes the values you discovered are important for you to experience satisfaction and success in the second half of your career.  We can also serve as an ongoing and trusted career partner for continued support at different points in your career journey.

Connect with us and learn more about how we can help you when you’re ready to rethink your career!